Company Information

Diversified End-market Exposure with Significant Government Services Revenue

Diversified End-market Exposure with Significant Government Services Revenue

Bristow is the world’s leading provider of offshore energy transportation, search and rescue (SAR) and aircraft support solutions to government and civil organizations worldwide. Bristow’s strategically located global fleet supports operations in the North Sea, Nigeria and the U.S. Gulf of Mexico; as well as in most of the other major offshore energy producing regions of the world, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, Guyana, Suriname and Trinidad. Bristow provides SAR services to the private sector worldwide and to the public sector for all of the United Kingdom on behalf of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency.

Industry Classifications




Oil & Gas

Bristow Group at a Glance


Aircraft within our fleet designed to optimally service customers


Customers in 18 countries

As of June 30, 2024 • Q2 2024 Earnings Release

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